QR Codes For Events: Three Ways To Make Your Event A Success

You’ve already seen QR Codes being used for payments and marketing. But do you know they can also help event organizers make their events a success?

They can help you in three possible ways:

1. Promoting your event for maximum participation
2. Authenticating guest entries in a hassle-free way
3. Engaging guests effectively

Watch the video to know more on how QR Codes can help you organize events.

If you have any queries, ask them in the comments.

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Links mentioned in the video:

– QR Code Statistics: https://youtu.be/pm3GThk55Zk
– How to create QR Codes (one-by-one): https://youtu.be/eJVABOvOKCQ
– How to create QR Codes in bulk: https://youtu.be/f4ZiOIGEdNc
– QR Code tickets: http://bit.ly/2pPBgku
– Scanova’s website: http://bit.ly/32GAyF2
– QR Batch website: http://bit.ly/2PcP82W
– QR Codes for events (article): http://bit.ly/33LhNRd

Hi guys! Welcome to Scanova’s YouTube
channel. In the last video, we showed you How popular QR codes are. In case you
missed it, the link is given in the description Box. By now, you know what QR Codes are, right?
And that they are being used in Every field. Today, many event organizers
are using QR codes for diverse purposes. That means—from marketing to
promotions, your goods are now being Used in every stage. And in this video,
we’ll show you exactly how event organizers Are using QR Codes for different purposes. So, the first purpose is—Promotions. Say
you are done with the idea of the event. The next step is to promote your event.
So, you use two things—either print media Or digital media. And if you’re a serious
print media marketer, you need to know How useful QRCodes can be.
You can actually provide detailed Information about an event or a short
teaser or a short window about what your Event is all about.
Secondly, you can also provide a Registration link and encode it in a QR
Code. And you can then print this QR Code On your flyers and brochures. Your
guests just need to scan the QR Code to Fill in the registration form. And to create
this QR Code, you need an online QR Code Generator tool such as Scanova. To know how to create a QR Code, The link is in the description box. So, the second application where event organizers Can use QR Codes is—event ticket and
security. Obviously, event organizers Only want authorized entries in their events. And with QR Code enabled tickets, You can easily manage and track invalid and duplicate tickets. In case you want to Know how to do it, with the Ticket Generator tool, the link is in the description box. So, the third application where event organizers are using QR Codes is To engage their guests.
Event organizers obviously want Their guests to enjoy the event. And QR Codes help them achieve this. For example: With a QR Code, you can actually link the
presentation by the speaker. In case, the guests miss out on whatever
the speaker is speaking, they can just scan The QR Code and get the whole
presentation. The second use case can be in Terms of Vcard. That is with Vcard QR Code, you can help your guests and the Exhibitors at the event to network better. While scanning the Vcard QR Code, you can Save contacts instantly. In case
you want to know how to create a Vcard QR Code, the link in the description box.
And for this, you will need a Bulk QR Code generator tool. If you want to know how to create

QR Codes in bulk, the link is in the description box. So, this is all you need To know how event organizers are using QR Codes for diverse Applications. We hope you find the video
helpful. In case, you have any queries Write it in the comment box, will be
happy to help you. And guys, do not forget to Like the video and subscribe to our
YouTube channel