White Label QR Code Generator Video

Hey there! I am super excited to share with you today about my latest discovery – a White Label QR Code Generator Video. As a content creator, I’m always looking for innovative ways to engage my audience, and this tool has been a game-changer for me. In this blog post, I’ll be diving deep into the benefits and features of this amazing QR code generator video, and how it can amp up your marketing strategies. So, let’s jump right in and explore the world of white label QR code generation together!


Hey there! Today, I want to discuss an amazing product that has truly revolutionized the QR Code industry. It’s called the White Label QR Code Generator, and let me tell you, it’s a game-changer! In this article, I will walk you through the amazing features and benefits of using the White Label QR Code Generator. So, let’s dive right in!

What is a White Label QR Code Generator?

A White Label QR Code Generator is an online tool that allows me to create dynamic QR codes with my own domain name in the redirecting link. This means that when someone scans the QR code, they will be redirected to a webpage that carries my brand’s name in the URL. How cool is that?

The Power of Custom Domain

The true magic of the White Label QR Code Generator lies in its Custom Domain feature. With this feature, I can change the redirecting URL to include my brand name. This ensures that the entire user experience remains consistent with my brand identity and helps in building brand trust and recognition. It’s like having my own personalized QR Code system!

Access to Features

Using the White Label QR Code Generator doesn’t mean I have to compromise on features. I still have access to Scanova’s wide range of features like scan tracking and editing QR Code content. It’s like having the best of both worlds – a fully customizable QR code solution without compromising on functionality.

When it comes to white-label QR codes, the focus is always on your brand.

Implementation Process

Now, you must be wondering how to implement this amazing feature. Well, it’s not as complicated as it sounds. To set up a sub-domain in my DNS via a CNAME record that points to scnv.io, all I need to do is follow a few simple steps.

Firstly, I need to set up a sub-domain in my DNS configuration. This can usually be done through my domain registrar’s website or by accessing the DNS settings of my hosting provider.

Once the sub-domain is set up, I need to add it to my Scanova account. This will help Scanova identify the custom domain that I want to use for my QR codes.

After adding the sub-domain, I will need to verify domain ownership. This is done through a TXT record in the DNS. It may sound a bit technical, but Scanova provides detailed instructions to guide me through the process seamlessly.

Once the setup is complete and the domain ownership is verified, I can start generating dynamic QR codes using the Custom Domain feature. These QR codes will not have any Scanova branding and can be downloaded for immediate use.

Testing is Imperative

Before sharing the QR codes with my customers, it is advisable to do a test scan. This ensures that the QR code is working as expected and redirects to the correct webpage. After all, it’s better to be safe than sorry!

Now that we’ve covered the ins and outs of the White Label QR Code Generator, let’s address some frequently asked questions to provide you with a better understanding.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Can I customize the design of the QR codes generated by the White Label QR Code Generator?
    No, the White Label QR Code Generator focuses on personalizing the redirecting URL, but the design of the QR code itself remains the same.

  2. Can I change the redirecting URL of the QR code after it has been generated?
    Yes, you can edit the redirecting URL associated with a QR code at any time through your Scanova account.

  3. Is the White Label QR Code Generator a paid service?
    Yes, the White Label QR Code Generator is a premium feature offered by Scanova. Pricing details can be found on their website.

  4. Can I use the Custom Domain feature with an existing QR code?
    No, the Custom Domain feature can only be applied to newly generated QR codes. Existing QR codes cannot be modified to include the Custom Domain.

  5. Can I track the number of scans on QR codes generated with the White Label QR Code Generator?
    Yes, Scanova provides scan tracking functionality for QR codes generated using the White Label QR Code Generator. You can easily monitor and analyze the performance of your QR codes.


In conclusion, the White Label QR Code Generator is a powerful tool that allows me to personalize QR codes with my own domain name in the redirecting link. With the Custom Domain feature, I can ensure a seamless brand experience for my audience while still enjoying the full range of Scanova’s features. If you’re looking for a way to enhance your branding and engagement through QR codes, the White Label QR Code Generator is definitely worth considering. So, why not give it a try and unlock the true potential of QR codes for your business?